Life Hacks, Lifestyle

Collaboration with Friesche Vlag

Collaboration with Friesche Vlag

Friesche Vlag is an extension of the Dutch dairy giant Friesland Campina and is the world’s largest dairy co-operative, responsible for the production of various milk products including coffee creamer, long-life milk and milk froth which are sold in more than 100 countries world wide. So you can imagine my excitement when I was asked to create the brand images for their new website, designed to coincide with the launch of their latest Latte product. Wanting to branch out in new directions and target a younger audience with their attractive new packaging, Friesche Vlag needed some fresh imagery for their site, enlisting founder of Blogstreet Esther Buitendijk to pull together the right team for this exciting project. And what an honour it was that she deemed me the perfect person to work with web and graphic designer Merel de Neve on what is now the new Friesche Vlag website, and I couldn’t be more proud or grateful for this creative collaboration.

Collaboration with Friesche Vlag 1
  • I thought I’d show you a bit of the process behind this shoot, as it’s always fun to peek behind the scenes a bit on a project like this.
  • It’s a different experience entirely working a commercial project because the stakes are high and in this case there was a marketing team to insure the right message was sent though the images,
  • So it was not just me and my camera this time, but a challenge (which I love) and I am pleased with the results.
Collaboration with Friesche Vlag Part 2
  • The assignment called for 10 styled images (or stories, as I prefer to call them) illustrating the products and lifestyle behind the products in a relaxed, laid back way. I started off by creating a concept comprising of a colour scheme and images relating to the feeling I wanted my images to convey. Here’s a peek at some of the ideas I presented to kick things off  >
Collaboration with Friesche Vlag Part 3

As you can see from this concept, the images needed to convey a certain energy, a mood, whilst remaining accessible to the consumers who will be reaching for the Friecshe Vlag product at the supermarket.

Collaboration with Friesche Vlag Part 4

On the website you can see the final shots that were chosen, and here are some of my favourite outtakes from the shoot

Collaboration with Friesche Vlag Part 5

I photographed at the homes of Ajda Mehmet and Nathalie Fransen for the light, architecture and of course gorgeous models and great company

  • And ta-da! Here is the brand new website! It was such a pleasure collaborating with Esther and Merel on this project for Freische Vlag.
  • We had a ball, despite working all the way up until Christmas to get this project off the ground, 
  • and are very proud of our collaborative efforts. Oh,
  • and I baked my very first apple pie especially for this shoot and it was delicious. Very proud moment here, I am NOT a baker!
Collaboration with Friesche Vlag Part 7

Hope you enjoyed this peek behind the scenes and it has not only inspired you to drink your body weight in coffee, but to take some time out for yourself at least once a day to really savour that warm cup between your hands, and enjoy the small moments at home with your loved ones. That’s what I tried to convey in these images – more than products we use, but the people we share them with and the moments we create while doing so.

With love and gratitude,


About Rikke

Sunshine loving coffee drinker, journalist and creative soul, curly-hared design-lover, aesthetician by heart, living in Copenhagen and always planning her next escape out into the world.

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